Looks like SVB got to one of my zuccini. Should i pull it up? It's definitely SVB because i pulled one out of it about a week ago.

by NerdizardGo


  1. afrandsen

    I feel you there, although mine is almost dead from cucumber beetles. ☹️

  2. galileosmiddlefinger

    Pull it out and throw it in the trash. If you leave the stump, then the larvae will mature and drop into the soil to pupate. You’ll have more SVB moths in the spring.

  3. There’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. 💀

  4. Pull them out and put them on wooden skewers for the birds like some kind of organic Vlad the impaler

  5. Positive_Throwaway1

    I lost mine to SVB for the first time ever this year. I anticipated this, so I planted another set of seeds next to it. Yesterday I had two beautiful true leaves and they were growing very, very quickly. I was optimistic!

    Today I went out there and saw that my dog dug it up. First time he’s ever dug up a plant in the garden box, and he chose this one. Not the volunteer tomatoes or peppers next to it. He dug up the one goddamned plant I wanted to make grow.

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