Newbie here. I love scrolling through and seeing what you are up to! Looking forward to being inspired by all the yummy stuff I have seen on here.

by IcyLikeBeurre


  1. Loud-Firefighter-787

    Same. Joined today. On the one side I love seeing all the yummy dishes, on the other it’s kinda torture cause I want it all😂

  2. Kokamina23

    Nice plating! These all look so delicious!

  3. SlizzoCha

    Wow you eat very healthy! And it looks pretty good too!

  4. Bubbly57

    Would you share your recipe for #11, the salmon and noodles dish?

    It looks so fabulous👌

  5. Independent-Award394

    Is that a lavendar cake? Id love the recipe!

  6. Double_Rutabaga878

    Tell me what all of those are right now please

  7. Fair_Attention_485

    Can I come live at your house?

    Looks so yum!!

  8. crazyisthenewnormal

    These make me feel like cooking! 🙂 Beautiful pictures!

  9. They all look so delicious. Adopt me please.

  10. ChildhoodOk5526

    Please tell me what #1 is. This reminds me of this delicious chicken soup I haven’t had in years. It used to be served at our high school’s honors banquets, which were always held at the Ukrainian Cultural Center for some reason. I remember the food was sooo good.

  11. BetterArugula5124

    Omg all of it looks so delicious and warming 🤤

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