Here is the recipe in detail: Pignatelli Fritters with Porchetta and Smoked Scamorza

For 8 persons

TOTAL TIME: 35 mins
Preparation: 20 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients :

Porchetta or cooked pork roast
Smoked scamorza cheese
Chopped almonds
Frying oil
Freshly ground pepper

Step 1 : Cut the porchetta (or cooked pork roast) and scamorza into cubes.

Bring 1 cup (25 cl) of water to a boil with the butter in pieces and salt in a saucepan.

Step 2 : Remove from heat and add the flour all at once.

Whisk vigorously, then dry out this dough over low heat for 1 minute using a spatula.

Step 3 : Off the heat, incorporate the eggs one at a time, stirring between each addition.

Add the porchetta (or cooked pork roast) and scamorza.

Step 4 : Stir in the chopped almonds and season well with pepper.

Preheat the frying oil to 350°F (180°C).

Step 5 : Using two teaspoons, scoop balls of dough and drop them into the hot oil.

Fry until the fritters are golden brown.

Step 6 : Remove with a slotted spoon and place on paper towels to drain.

Enjoy them hot to savor the melty center.

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