This is a recipe that comes out differently every time.
It depends on many factors related to the ingredients (humidity, consistency, etc.) and you may need to make some quantity adjustments along the work.

We will replicate this recipe with pumpkins on Halloween.

Ingredients for 4-6 servings:

For the gnocchi:
 2 pounds red potatoes
 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour (adjust flour as needed for tomato and spinach gnocchi dough)
 ¾ tablespoon fine salt
 6 oz chopped frozen spinach
 5 oz tomato paste double concentrate
 Durum wheat semolina as needed to sift on the trays

Just in case for some reason you want to save time, you can use potato flakes.
With that option, you should use 2 cups of potato flakes (around 1 pound) with 2 cups of warm water.

For the sauce:
 3 oz blue cheese (or Gorgonzola)
 3 oz creamy cheese
 1 tbsp butter
 1 oz heavy cream
 Milk as needed
 ½ cup crumbled walnuts
 ½ cup grated Parmigiano cheese


For the sauce:
1. Let melt a tbsp of butter then pour in the heavy cream.
2. Add the creamy cheese and let simmer for a minute.
3. Add the blue cheese (or Gorgonzola) and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add some milk to adjust the sauce thickness according to your preferences.
5. Then turn off the heat and add the crumbled walnuts.
6. Set aside.

For the gnocchi:
1. Bring to a boil the potatoes for around 30-40 minutes until cooked through. Potatoes need to be overcooked. Test them with a fork, they must fall apart, then peel and mash them.
2. Meanwhile unfroze the spinach and dry them in a non-stick pan without condiments to eliminate the excess water. Do not burn them!
3. Sift the wheat on a pastry board in a fountain shape, add the mashed potatoes, and add the salt mixing with your hands to obtain a soft but elastic dough.
4. Cut the loaf into three parts, set one aside, and use the others to make the colorful gnocchi dough, adding respectively the spinach and the tomato pasta.
5. If needed add more flour to adjust the dough consistency.
6. Let the three dough loaves rest for around 20-30 minutes then cut each one into smaller chunks and roll each one to obtain around 1-inch diameter cylinders.
7. Sprinkle a little wheat on the work surface to help roll the loaves.
8. Cut the cylinders into small chunks (gnocchi) and put them to rest for 20 minutes on a tray lightly floured with durum semolina wheat to avoid sticking to each other.
9. Someone rolls gnocchi onto a “rigagnocchi” (gnocchi board) or over the tines of a fork but it’s not strictly necessary.
10. Put gnocchi into boiling salted water in small quantities and by color at a time and drain them off with a slotted spoon or a skimmer as they come to the surface. Place them on the serving tray composing the tricolor Italian flag.
11. Reheat the sauce for a minute and then pour it on the tricolor gnocchi.
Sprinkle the surface with the grated Parmigiano.

Serve hot and enjoy!!

Feel free to ask questions in comments.

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