I am proud of this one. Whats your thoughts ?

by edis177


  1. cherrycicadas

    Now I’m starving. Cooked the exact rarity I like it

  2. Emotional-Low-3341

    I love how clean the board is after cutting, you lost almost no juice

  3. Outer-SpacePink

    Genuinely curious, for a piece of meat that thick, what’s the cooking process? Time, temp etc

  4. Head_Nectarine_6260

    One way to get a grill pan to work well is to fill it up with more oil 🤣nice job 10/10

  5. TheGreenTub402

    How did you get such a nice crust without it burning?

  6. robincrobin

    Genuinely curious: what’s the purpose of the string?

  7. gassygeff89

    Looks great, I like a strip or a ribeye more medium rare but I’ll definitely fuck with a rare tenderloin.

  8. AstronautExotic1279

    Spectacular, give me 14 of em right now

  9. pattywack512

    The face I made when I saw the last pic 😩

  10. Kennytieshisshoes

    Wow I may be mistaken but I don’t see any gray band at all. Nice work!

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