From over grown patch of land, that I dug over, to a bed full of sweetcorn, hard works pays off

by irishboulder1986


  1. irishboulder1986

    All feed with chicken manure pellets only

  2. irishboulder1986

    FYI I am 6 ft 1, I was 2 when I had hair 🤣🤣

  3. Educational-Taste167

    Looks good so far, how’s the ear development?

  4. Fast_Education3119

    That is one scary corn Cobb in the back😂

  5. CitySky_lookingUp

    Great work! Sending you blessings for an abundant and tasty harvest!

  6. WheelsMan1

    I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone use weed fabric for corn. Nice looking crop.

  7. LittleMauss

    Have you thought of planting less corn next time but planting climbing beans alongside for a double crop? Beans climb up the corn and put nitrogen in the soil for the corn. You can put squash in there too! I’m so envious of the space you have.

  8. Dude, GREAT job! You took an unused space and grew something. A+ In my book. Hope your neighbors got some motivation as well. You are my kind of rock star. How do they get water? Is that a permeable barrier?

  9. Jessicaplays1127

    Had a good laugh with the last picture. The slightly stern look and the standing in the corn is absolutely hilarious for some reason my humor is cracked. Congrats on all that wonderful corn. When I move I plan on following your idea with my corn. I wasn’t so successful this year.

  10. BaldyCarrotTop

    That’s awesome. I’m also growing corn for the first time in many years. It’s so cool to watch it grow.

    All that hard work is going to make that corn taste even sweeter. Be sure to share pictures of your harvest.

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