Mastering the Art of Casoncello: Homemade Square Ravioli with Beetroot Twist

Join us in this delightful culinary journey as we prepare traditional casoncello, a square-shaped ravioli filled with flavor and crafted from fresh pasta. Learn how to make both classic and vibrant red pasta using simple ingredients, including flour, egg yolks, and beetroot liquid. Perfect for impressing your family and friends, this recipe is a must-try for pasta lovers!

### Preparing Delicious Casoncello: A Step-by-Step Guide

Casoncello, a delightful ravioli from the Bergamo region of Italy, is known for its unique square shape and rich flavors. This recipe will guide you through making casoncello from scratch, featuring both traditional and red pasta variations.

#### Ingredients for Fresh Pasta:
– **100g of flour 00**: This fine flour is ideal for making smooth pasta.
– **5 egg yolks**: These enrich the dough, giving it a beautiful color and flavor.
– **1 pinch of salt**: Enhances the taste of the pasta.

#### Ingredients for Red Pasta:
– **125g of flour 00**: Used to create the vibrant red dough.
– **20g of beetroot liquid**: Adds color and a subtle sweetness to the pasta.

### Step-by-Step Instructions

1. **Make the Fresh Pasta Dough**:
– In a mixing bowl, combine the 100g of flour 00 with the 5 egg yolks and a pinch of salt.
– Knead the mixture until it forms a smooth and elastic dough. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour.
– Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes to allow the gluten to relax.

2. **Prepare the Red Pasta Dough**:
– In a separate bowl, mix 125g of flour 00 with 20g of beetroot liquid.
– Knead until you achieve a consistent and pliable dough.
– Let this dough rest for 30 minutes as well.

3. **Roll Out the Dough**:
– After resting, divide both doughs into smaller portions. Roll out each portion using a pasta machine or a rolling pin until they are very thin.
– Aim for a thickness of about 1-2 mm for the best texture.

4. **Cut the Casoncello**:
– Using a sharp knife or pasta cutter, cut the rolled-out dough into squares (approximately 5 cm x 5 cm).
– Place a small spoonful of your desired filling (such as ricotta, spinach, or a meat mixture) in the center of each square.

5. **Seal the Ravioli**:
– Moisten the edges of the squares with a little water. Fold the dough over to create a triangle, then press the edges firmly to seal.
– For an authentic touch, you can crimp the edges with a fork.

6. **Cook the Casoncello**:
– Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Gently add the casoncello and cook for about 3-4 minutes, or until they float to the surface.
– Drain and serve with your favorite sauce, such as a simple butter and sage sauce or a rich tomato sauce.

### Conclusion

Making homemade casoncello is a rewarding experience that brings the flavors of Italy right to your kitchen. Whether you choose to stick with the classic fresh pasta or try the vibrant red version infused with beetroot, this recipe is sure to impress. Enjoy your culinary creation and share it with loved ones for a memorable meal!

Casoncello, Homemade Ravioli, Italian Pasta Recipe, Fresh Pasta, Beetroot Ravioli, Traditional Italian Cuisine, Ravioli Recipe, Square Ravioli, Cooking Tutorial, Pasta Making, Italian Recipes, Culinary Skills

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