Wine pairing I made for a 12 course menu at home, how does it look?

by reformingindividual


  1. reformingindividual

    included in the pairing are also some kefirs (kinda like kombucha semi-achoholic fermentations with little to no aging).

    All of the pairings were chosen specifically for each dish and specifically I am proud of the day old sourdough and the Vin Jaune. The menu is also my own making, (I was the chef), and I have little to no professional experience in wine.

  2. blaqmarket

    You should link the original post with your plating for each dish – saw it on the plating subreddit and was blown away.

    If that clemensbusch from Marienburg is the Rothenpfad GG, then hats off to you man. Pairing on par with the bar you set with the dishes.

    Curious about that rhubarbwine. Is that a… thing? Like I can just buy that somewhere? Golden raspberries included?

  3. CountofAnjou

    A Vin Jaune before the red burg is punchy, but if you think it will work then go for it. Who’s the producer and what’s the style (heavier/lighter)? The rhubarb should clean the palate I guess.

  4. whatwhatbayarea

    I think you meant “fennel” for the halibut, not “funnel”

  5. Polymer714

    I love that you included vin jaune..I think where you have it in the menu is going to be bit weird…It will end up dominating dishes after it….

  6. IAmPandaRock

    How was the ’21 GG Riesling? I’d think it’s a bit too young, plus, I’d go with a Kabinett for something with “hot sauce.” Regardless, everything about this is very impressive. Good job!

  7. TheBiggerWave

    We live in totally different households haha. Looks amazing

  8. thats impressive! mad props to you if you pulled this tasting menu off by yourself. A chefy friend used to have parties where we’d each bring 2 small plate dishes, but doing a litany of bites by yourself is Intense. My only quibble would be the rhubarb wine with the halibut… to me all that upfront fruit would overpower the herbed white fish. I’m more interested in your choice of Kefirs for the chawanmushi & the ricotta tart. Most kefirs i’ve had were quite tart…. it’s an acquired taste for sure.

  9. discostew919

    Some wild, off-the-wall choices. High risk but if you stick the landing, I would pay money to try this!

  10. Agitated-Bend3413

    You had me at funnel. It’s my favorite method of getting something from one container to another – especially when a narrow opening/closure is involved.

  11. Without knowing how they’d be presented or the weight of the final product I’d still suggest swapping the duck and the lamb around. I’d probably put a small palate cleanser after the vin jaune as well, not sure how that next course will hold up otherwise.

  12. Infamous-Comfort-207

    As someone who does this for a living consulting for Michelin restaurants, hats off to you! If you want any genuine feedback, send me a message and I’ll happily walk you through a few changes that I would make! Definitely change the Riesling for J J Prum Kabinett and replace the vin jaune with a sous voile savagnin without the age though!

  13. MaceWinnoob

    It looks like a Canva template

    Also Frank Family Late Harvest is cool, but it would’ve been cooler if it were a better Napa winery. Honig Late Harvest Sauv Blanc would be a little less nails on the chalk board. Though part of me likes it in a post-modern way.

  14. FocusIsFragile

    Beprep-Chambertin is my favorite village in Burgundy.

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