My past one and a half years of progress!

by Decimus-Rex


  1. drunkjedi007

    1.5 yrs in and mine is still like 1st pic

  2. Large-You-1276

    So now I need to know – how did you get from your 12 to 18 months? I feel like I’ve been stuck at your “12 months” mark forever and it just won’t spread as beautifully as your 18 months art. Any tips?

  3. Obviously latte art is not my thing… after several years I’m still on your 6months level or maybe slightly above it. So yeah i definitely envy you this 🙂

  4. Onion-Adept

    Any tips or sources I’ve watched aloynof YouTube but can’t say I’m improving

  5. allmistopportunities

    So inspirational!

    I just found out that my pointy carafe is good for hearts, and I should get a rounded one for rosettes and such. Is that true?

  6. Odd-Soup8396

    How did you master milk steaming? I can’t get it right at all.

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