Personally, I get tired of people saying CA pinot doesn’t age. This is a great example that it does. Many more. I recently had a Williams Selyem 1997 that was spectacular! And also, I’ve had plenty of red burgundy that doesn’t age well. Be open minded people.

by Montanabanana11


  1. mattmoy_2000

    How was it? I’d be interested to see tasting notes!

  2. Very cool to see. Also cool that it’s one of the first vintages from this vineyard, I believe ’76 was the first.

    FWIW, some of the very best pinots I’ve had, have been older WS. I try and seek them out at auction.

  3. IAmPandaRock

    One of the best Pinots I’ve had in the last few years was, to my complete shock, a 1977 Kenwood Pinot Noir Jack London Vineyard.

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