As I posted in my subreddit I’m finally testing what is best for steak. Cast or grill.

by flipflopsanddunlops


  1. KillerBarbie24

    Both are the bomb But marinated steak 1st be the shizzle 🤤😋

  2. Odd_Jello_2688

    Charcoal must be in this conversation! Gas vs. Charcoal isn’t even a fair fight

  3. staatsclaas

    Had to zoom and make sure this wasn’t somehow about grill grate direction.

  4. flipflopsanddunlops

    [results are in]( I found the cast had a much more even see her and was slightly juicier, straight flame had a better taste. So I’m conclusion the winner was…. Me because I got to enjoy 2 nice steaks! Have a great day everyone

  5. wit_T_user_name

    Everything looks good, but I’m going to deduct five points because your beer isn’t open.

  6. I don’t see an infrared thermometer, nor a toast test for hotspots on that grill.

  7. NoZebra7296

    Don’t you get the point of reddit? There is no such thing as putting an argument to rest!

  8. WiseSpunion

    Cast iron will always win, you get to keep the juices and the fond. But stainless over everything if you know how to cook

  9. WantedFun

    Pan wins for crust, grilled wins for even temperature cook.

  10. TheFooPilot

    Flat top w basted w compound butter for lean cuts, grill a lil lower for fattier cuts with more collagen. There is no debate.

  11. Wow just wanted to say that’s a great view you got there for grilling! I’m jealous

  12. darthavelli

    Havnt had a Budweiser in a long time this reminds me I’m a pick up a 6er

  13. Both work well, I prefer the grill if its’ hot enough it does a great job if it’s a fatty cut like a ribeye. Less fat – charcoal or a skillet is better. IMO.

  14. itzabigrsekret

    I sear ribeye with comal on the grill all the time, to reduce flare-ups.

    After searing & rendering some fat- just move to the grill side to finish with more flavor.

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