Is this an acceptable pairing?

by ComparisonWrong5506


  1. wasteofmortality

    It would be if you replace the ranch with Rooties bleu cheese. Tacos de asada y roja is always a win tho.

  2. bingold49

    I’ll allow it, also those tacos look fire

  3. CommanderC0bra

    What am I doing with my life. Why haven’t I done this yet.

  4. riddleterror

    Almost acceptable.

    I’d add two more tacos and another pound of wings tho.

  5. General_Industry541

    Acceptable? More like phenomenal!

  6. bowiegaztea

    Tacos and wings is the best possible pairing 🤤

  7. Artemistical

    heck yeah!

    although now I want to try making buffalo wing tacos…hmmm

  8. Competitive_Form8894

    I know this is the wings sub, but just give me half a dozen of those tacos 🙂

  9. jzoller0

    Hard yes. Sometimes I will get a banh mi, then go to the nearby taco truck and get a couple of tacos too

  10. DevelopmentSimple626

    Taste-wise yeah.

    I’d just be worried that after such a big meal, and since it’s summer, I wouldn’t be able to move for the next 2 hours.

  11. VisibleBoard2645

    I don’t see another pairing possible

  12. FashionablLemons

    Food pairings can be hit or miss. This one seems like it could be an interesting experiment!

  13. patprika

    Great now. Not so great in about an hour or so

  14. TheOneCalledD

    Wings pair with anything as far as I’m concerned.

    Cereal for breakfast? Warm up some leftover wings in the air fryer and now you’re feasting.

  15. Definitely unconventional, but acceptable. It does look enticing

  16. I_mean_whatever_dude

    Does the pope shit in the woods?

  17. PongSoHard

    I can already feel my hole burning just from the pic

  18. Curtis_Geist

    Two of the greatest foods of all time? Yeah I’d say you have the right idea

  19. Capable_Jacket_2165

    Take the wings off the bone and put them in the tacos 👌

  20. mebunghole

    Normally I prefer my wings with pizza but I’ll make an exception this time.

  21. cursedK00K

    Asking the wrong people, I’d eat wings for dessert if I could. Haha

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