Made some steaks for my daughters (8&3) before they went back to their mom's this past weekend. I had planned on getting myself a ribeye, and letting them split a NY strip, but when I was picking them out my oldest insisted on the ribeye. No worries I thought, I'll just get to finish their leftovers…. Nope! my 3yo refused the steak and demanded chicken nuggets, and my 8yo ate the whole thing herself! I had no idea that an 8yo little girl could eat that much!

by Crapablanka


  1. No_Touch7452

    Ribeye in the shape of loveheart? I’m going to give that a go for my next valentine

  2. Zealousideal-Ad7111

    One of us! One of us !

    Keep this story for when she gets married.

  3. High five dad.

    My almost 3 year old ate four slices (cut into smaller pieces) of strip loin the other night. She loves well seasoned and tender steak, medium/medium-rare. Was also surprised with how much she ate considering she had a snack an hour prior lol. Kids are little bottomless pits.

  4. juanrober

    Most beautifully crafted heart I’ve ever seen

  5. Open_Mind12

    Good job cooking the steaks…replace corn with any other

  6. Slurpees_and_Stuff

    All I see is ass cheeks with Arby’s beef curtains, I need to see a therapist.

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