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4 pcs beef osso bucco
2 medium size carrots
2 large onions
3 large tomatoes
3 celery stalks
5 cloves garlic
1 cup red wine
2 chicken stocks dissolved in 500 ml water
1/2 flour ( for meat coating)
1 tbsp plain flour
30 g unsalted butter
salt and pepper
rose marry
2 tbsp olive oil.

1. Put a roast rope as a knot around the beef osso bucco. Use a 1/2 of plain flour and dip the meat all around , front and back until finally coated.
2. Preheat the frying pan and brown the beef osso bucco. Once done set aside.
3. Prepare the vegetables. In another cooking pot, add the olive oil, then add the rose marry, thymes, garlic, onion, tomatoes, celery and carrots. Once it’s half cook, add the red wine and lower the heat into medium and simmer until the sauce reduce to 1/4.
4. In a Casserole, add the vegetables, add the brown beef osso bucco and add the chicken stocks mixtures. Cover and bake for 2 hours and 30 minutes @175 degrees Celsius.
5. After 2 hours and 30 minutes, take the beef from the casserole, strain the vegetables and use only the sauce.
6. Add 1 tbsp plain flour , butter to the sauce and cook until thickened. This will serve as your sauce.

Happy Cooking.

I hope you learn something out of my cooking and preparation. From my kitchen to yours.

Thank you for watching. “To God Be All His Glory”




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