This big boy beat last year’s by 67g! 😊🍅 Let’s see your prized ones ⤵️

by Dancing_Birdy_13


  1. giantdoodoohead

    Shoot, a 598 gram ‘mater is nothing to sneeze at. Get that rascal sliced and on a sammich

  2. CitrusBelt

    Largest I’ve ever had was something like 44oz (maybe more?) and 32-38 is pretty regular for me….BUT those all come off fasciated blossoms, so that’s cheating.

    Anything past about 24-26 oz, that’s genuinely one distinct fruit? Very rare for me.

    That one looks nice! 😀

    [For what it’s worth, my most consistent variety for a whopper is KBX — will usually get a few huge ones per plant, in a decent year]

  3. motherfudgersob

    When I get one I might share….. 😕

  4. no-coriander

    I wish I had a food scale. I got some big Box Car Willie’s this year. Though mostly air inside it’s fun to see how big they get.

  5. DragonfruitNo1984

    Well, ya’ll are animals with your giant tomatoes. Well done. I feel slightly inadequate lolololololololololololololol.

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