About half-way though the cook. Love this setup!

by chriscraig


  1. SaleSubstantial6601

    Looks delicious! I’m about to do wings with the vortex for the first time tonight

  2. Awesome! Im doing these tomorrow, how long they take? 30 min?

  3. Upset_Fig2612

    I just bought a vortex this weekend and did hot wings, I’m impressed at how stable the temperature was for the entire cook

  4. cito4633

    Love vortex thighs! I let them go to 185-190°, probably 50-55 minutes…

  5. PhotographyPhil

    Stupid question. I just brought the medium Vortex from Amazon. Is it supposed to have a bottom? Mine came just the cylinder piece with no bottom.

  6. Pitch_a_tent

    Can someone explain the vortex to me and why its beneficial? Im thinking of getting one.

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