Worked for hours on this stegosaurus only for my toddler to be mad it isn’t a triceratops

by topfivethings


  1. Specific-Window-8587

    Well it’s gorgeous. It looks like you worked hard.

  2. octopusoppossum

    Toddlers are wild 😂 this is a beautiful cake! Watch in a few years he’ll remember it was his favorite cake ever

  3. Historical_Grab4685

    I feel for you. I spent hours back in the day to make a Thomas the Tank cake for my 4-year nephew. He could have cared less.

  4. Punkinsmom

    It’s a beautiful cake! Toddlers are well known to be butt heads about stupid stuff (want cut banana, then mad because banana is cut). This is something you can use as a funny story in twenty years.

  5. simplsurvival

    Reminds me of that post from the guy who’s kids wanted pulled pork for dinner, so he smoked a pork butt literally all day, then dinner rolls around and they want hot dogs 😆 kids man….

  6. Man, toddlers don’t appreciate art! 🦖 This is one of the coolest cakes I have ever seen.

  7. SchemeInteresting499

    In ten minutes he’ll be on to something else. Don’t sweat it.

  8. janedoethefirst

    Omg I love it even if your kid doesn’t! Bet it even tastes good!

  9. spicyzsurviving

    ungrateful wee git!! (kidding, but still that cake is super cool! and very impressive)

  10. Kerivkennedy

    I’m laughing in parent right now.

    But in major awe of the cake

  11. I did a Fall birthday cake for my family, did buttercream flowers and chocolate shaped pumpkins, the pumpkins being store bought. My nephew tells me it is such a pretty cake and the best looking parts are the pumpkins! 🙈😩😄 So I feel for you!

  12. TableAvailable

    Toddlers are mean.

    The cake looks awesome.

  13. Traditional_Case2791

    I love this and stegosaurus is my fav dinosaur (bc I’m a 5yr adult)!

  14. Minimum-Category8294

    LOL I’m turning 41 tomorrow and I still have VIVID memories of throwing a FIT when my mom made cupcakes instead of cake for my 4th birthday.

    Keep the pic. One day your toddler will be an adult and will appreciate how hard his mom tried.

  15. Kitsune808

    Toddlers can be the harshest critics. It is amazing!! Imo, it is the perfect balance of realism and cuteness — super charming and well executed! ❤️

  16. Dependent_Top_4425

    Omg that little f*cker! Well at least he knows his dinosaurs. That is important knowledge that we all learned early on that we use in our everyday lives 🙂

    Why are kids so obsessed with dinosaurs? Who is in charge of this?

  17. This is very cute, really well done!

    And dont worry about your kid, he might be mad now but his future self will appreciate it deeply.

  18. meepmeepcuriouscat

    This is a cake that I, as an adult, would love to pay money for. It’s so freaking adorable. I love the little eyes and the biscuits on the back.

  19. jojo444111

    Can you make my birthday cake? I love the stegosaurus! I’m 38 tho. Maybe have it hold a beer or something

  20. Makes me think of when a kid I looked after got a trampoline for his 8th birthday….he threw a MASSIVE FIT why?

    Because he didn’t want a trampoline? Nope it was exactly what he wanted

    Because his parents had told him there was no way he would get one for his birthday so it would be a surprise when he woke up to a fully built trampoline in the yard? That’s right “how dare you lie to me I will never trust you again”

    Refused to jump on it for a bit and everything 😂

  21. Pretty_ktty3

    Change the graham crackers on the head to face sideways and the add one more, instant triceratops

  22. SpeakerCareless

    I love it, and it will be a great story. I cried very hard on my 4th birthday because my cake was the wrong shade of pink. My dad took a picture of me weeping over my cake that my mom made me, with my mom comforting me sympathetically. What I remember most is that I was so glad my mom didn’t get mad. She acknowledged my feelings, and moved on.

    Ironically my wedding cake also turned out the wrong shade of pink.

  23. Stegosaurus has been my favorite dinosaur since I was three- brought a genuine smile to my eldest millennial face. Beautiful work!!

  24. happydandylion

    I never surprise my kids with a cake. They are involved in choosing it from a picture in a book, and then they helpmix/put it together. That way, by the time the cake is done, they think it’s the best cake they’ve ever seen. It’s the IKEA effect I guess? Once they try doing it themselves they start thinking whatever mom does is super hard and amazing OR they take so much pride in having done it themselves that they can’t help loving it. And just so you know: I don’t ice a fraction as well as you do!!! Your cake is stunning and one day this is a story you two will chuckle over, I’m sure.

  25. sydneyscottauthor

    Stegosaurus is my favorite dinosaur, and this looks amazing! Way to go, Mom! As always, though, toddlers are gonna toddler. 🤷‍♀️

  26. modelingduh

    I have determined if I do big projects, it will be FOR me, not my toddlers (even if they benefit) and that way if my kids have an issue I can still enjoy the fact I made something. Kids will be kids, it looks GREAT!

  27. No-Breakfast-7587

    After making three kinds of frosting dyed 8 different colors to make my daughter a long-requested rainbow cake for her 3rd birthday party yesterday (while 4 weeks postpartum with baby #2, wearing newborn in a carrier for most of the prep), she announced that she actually just wanted a “brown rainbow” with “just all the colors of brown.”

    Solidarity. Impressive cake.

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