Made steak for my fianceé tonight, how did I do?

by McTennisCourt


  1. No-Force1764

    Looks good but I’m more curious about the fries…are those McDonald’s?

  2. zdub2929

    Looks good. If you want to impress yourself let the steaks(dalted) sit on the counter for 2hrs before cooking. Lightly coat with olive if grilling or pan sear at a slightly higher heat then whats pictured here. No shade or criticism. This looks great

  3. LosParanoia

    Steak’s good but are those your own fries? They look like crispy like mcdonalds fries and i’ve never managed that with my own fries.

  4. DIJames6

    Looking at that steak, no wonder they said yes..

  5. BenNHairy420

    Let’s make it a throuple, I’ll buy the steaks and you cook them

  6. EventualOutcome

    Presentation requires meat to be closest to you.

    Turn the plate. Omg, turn the plate.

  7. Rude_Blackberry634

    Perfect dismount; from the grill !

  8. Boojum2k

    Looks great, I prefer the thickness of steak fries with an actual steak but that’s just me. Pretty sure you have a happy fiancee.

  9. XLDumpTaker

    Would gobble, but dying for a sauce of some kind, and I’m not even a massive sauce guy.

  10. Existing-Sherbet2458

    Steak and fries are outstanding, You could easily gourmet this up with a baked potato. Easy stuff like portable Mushroom Demi. You did fantastic and I’m certain your Fiance loved it. Bottom line you did very well.

  11. LetThereBeSlight

    As an old fella who I was friends with and would work jobs together on would say, “good enough for guvmint.”

    I like it.

  12. Dangerous-Shirt-7384

    Looks great. You cooked it perfectly.

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