18” pizza I made for lunch today

by SixPathsOfWin


  1. ImMisterMoose

    For Lunch? Whats for Dinner?

    Pizza does look good though!

  2. GuacamoleBenKanobi

    Looks awesome!!! Love a good work lunch homemade pizza. When I do it I tend to think about it all day and rush to eat lunch as soon as possible.

  3. VoidWalker72

    Nice looking pie. Keep up the good work.

  4. No-Succotash-7119

    Very nice. I just have a 12 inch, but I’m thinking I might need to update to a 16, jealous of people making the larger pizzas. I went with the 12 for portability to bbqs, camping, etc, which is nice. But I want that large pie ability at home.

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