[I ate] an East Coast style margherita pizza from my local mom and pop pizzeria here in the Midwest.

by I_Luv_Adobo


  1. angrydanger

    I think you may some sort of dermatological issue going on with your hand. May want to consult a professional.

    How was the pizza? It looks interesting. I’d eat it, but unless it tasted phenomenal, I wouldn’t be ordering it again.

  2. Jack_Straw_71

    About time for a manicure there , chief.

  3. DrSilkyDelicious

    Midwest frostbite, must be Wisconsin

  4. Misanthropemoot

    It looks like the pizza from the SNL skit “ almost pizza”

  5. urnbabyurn

    Yo, don’t blame that on being east coast style.

  6. Imaginary_Sea5117

    I could take a train from Philly to New York to get a pizza and it would still be cheaper than that. I feel like you got a little hosed

  7. BooBoo-FM

    I think it looks good
    But I know I can get two large pizzas from our local for about $45.00
    And they are spectacular.
    For a once in awhile indulgent if you like it go for it!

  8. SpartanDoubleZero

    He’s a god damn samsqanch! I hate those bastards.

  9. No_Rush2548

    The last pic looked like Bigfoots Hands!

  10. I know some people like to eat their pizza with a knife and fork, but you seem to have picked it up with your bear hands.

  11. I see it’s Chicago area and gets great reviews, but man $40 seems steep. I’d probably check the place out if I was in the area.


    I mean, it looks like a Midwest margarita pie.

    No disrespect, but I might go for a local, fluffy crust, poor ingredient Midwest pizza over this just because of the $40 price tag.

  13. Man I am so glad I live in NY. $40 for that is criminal.

  14. ricecrystal

    I want to move there and open a pizza place now. I can definitely do better

  15. Same-Chipmunk5923

    Needs about 49 more seconds in the oven

  16. Please don’t put a pizza like that on the East Coast…the pictures alone are enough to tell, it ain’t it.

  17. OoohhhBaby

    This looks terrible
    I hope you enjoyed it

  18. Parzival01001

    Crust looks like cardboard, for $40 I’ll pass. Also thanks for the nightmare fuel

  19. Shanaram17

    The East coast doesn’t put enough cheese on the pizza

  20. checker280

    I’m not eating that. There’s a hair on it.

  21. agent-assbutt

    I’m surprised werewolves favor a veg pizza. This looks like a good one tho.

  22. Key2LifeIsSimplicity

    There are lots of haters in here, but our local spot, run my Italian immigrants, makes a very similar Margherita. Theirs just has thicker fresh mozzarella, more crust edge, and a healthy drizzle of olive oil; its also only $25.

    Yours: 8/10, would eat; the whole thing… haha.

  23. MindChild

    Sorry but 40 dollar for a pizza is insane. I know there are more things to consider but pizza is pretty much one of the cheapest meals there is. Couldn’t bring myself to order a pizza for 40$.

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