First time grilling and went big with a tomahawk – also stepped on a live coal barefoot. Worth it.

by Nanebanane


  1. ChuckFeathers

    Never tried the live coal trick, does it increase tenderness?

  2. tmpp1313

    A tomahawk right out of the gate?? Looking good. 👍

  3. Fabulous-Operation51

    I was expecting the last slide to be of your foot

  4. Fair_Lecture_3463

    I’ve definitely stepped on a coal. Now I double check the chimney every time to make sure I got all of them.

  5. HeavyExplanation425

    You can stop grilling forever…you have some the game. 🏆

  6. dharper90

    This looks great, I’d like to do one soon. What was your technique?

    RIP foot

  7. Ecstatic-Appeal-5683

    Kinda sad there wasn’t a pic of the foot sear quality.

  8. _DapperDanMan-

    I did the same thing to my foot last summer.
    I had a third degree burn, with thickened blister about the size of two quarters.

    It was tender for months.

    Probably should have had it seen, because if you burn the bone it can go septic or some shit.

  9. Latter-Imagination18

    I did the same last summer. Hurt like a mf. Took months to heal. Glad to hear I’m not the only one to do these things!😂

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