My pizza is getting so much rise, is this from potentially too much over fermentation? I did leave the dough out in room temp batch ferment for 3 hrs after making then knocked it down and folded three times then bulk ferment in the fridge for 18 hours, balled up and rested for 1 hour before cooking.

Any tips?

Dough recipe

650g tipo00
65% water
1% dry yeast
2.5% salt

by phiphigreen


  1. Silly_Swan_Swallower

    What did you cook it in? I am guessing a high temp oven since you got that excellent finish on 00!!!

    As for the rise… I think your crust rim is a little too thick. Try to push it out a little more, then it wont poof up so much like that. Make the thicker part for the crust a lot more narrow.

  2. timstantonx

    Those look like 12ish inch pizzas. You have a 650g dough ball, that’s huge for that size. You could probably cut it in half. Or stretch them much bigger. Good luck.

  3. sonofawhatthe

    1% yeast is crazy high unless your fermentation time is like 4 hours.

  4. nanometric

    As others have said: excessive yeast and rimdough. Also, try smaller doughballs: 250 – 275g. You’ll need to ball earlier than 1 hr before baking.

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