Came home to blight on my cucumbers (pic 1&2) and powdery mildew on my cantaloupe (pic 3) any advice on what to do or if they are too far gone? ๐Ÿ˜ž

by anonymousflowercake


  1. Blue4thewin

    I just ripped my cucumbers out – I got enough for the season and several attempts with copper fungicide spray showed no signs of halting or abating the spread.

  2. galileosmiddlefinger

    It’s just the mid-August funk. Tired plants are succumbing to diseases, and recent heavy rain on the East Coast hasn’t helped at all. I would only fight for anything that hasn’t produced yet; for everything else, pull it out, discard the greenery so that you don’t spread spores in your compost, and replace with fall crops.

  3. DawnLeslie

    Mix milk and water (a little less than half milk), and spray on the mildewed leaves, whether totally overcome or just starting to get spots. Worked way better than either rubbing alcohol or vinegar and water. Not a complete cure, but it seems to control it somewhat.

    I have also been pruning some of the worst leaves.

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