Ran out of buns….i present the Dogurger.

by Magnum_Mantis_MD


  1. spititout__

    It’s like the BK long chicken sandwich, but in burger form lol

  2. It’s a burger dog, they’re real and delicious. They’re available at Silverado Country Club in Napa, a food truck in Napa and are also available at the Olympic Club in SF. We make them at home sometimes if we have excess hot dog buns and ground beef. It makes me less guilty for eating 2 of them since they’re a bit small

  3. slut4burritos

    Interesting idea. Think I’m gonna try the same but cook the ground beef like how I do for tacos. Top it off with some chili beans, cheese and onions

  4. Severe_Piano_223

    I’m actually inspired to make this myself now.

  5. On my next visit to Napa, I probably won’t be able to get into the country club. Looks like the food truck will be on my radar but probably not on a maps app.

  6. PersonalFigure8331

    I wonder the long ass burger hasn’t taken off. Why’s everyone so obsessed with diametrical burgers?

  7. I have done this before, when I didn’t have round buns.

  8. Is12345aweakpassword

    Props to you for not calling it a smash burger like most other posts on here

  9. LordChefChristoph

    Blimpies i worked at sold these. They were pretty good with BLT as a topping. Maybe a little honey mustard, or mix it up with some BBQ sauce…

  10. AYO_WTF_B

    When I was single and lived alone, it was a cold rainy Saturday. I didn’t feel like leaving my apartment and I didn’t have enough money to order any pizza or Chinese. I did have a hoagie roll, ground beef, lettuce tomato, onions, and 2 russet potatoes. I made a hamburger hoagie with home made fries. It was enough for 3 burgers. I ate one that day, and the other two on Sunday for breakfast and dinner. 😂 Then on Monday I asked my parents for some money because only thing in the fridge was juice and like 8 Tyson chicken nuggets 😂😂😂.

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