Two steaks, hot from the grill, how’d I do?

by IllNeedleworker4201


  1. WillShattuck

    Did you enjoy them? If so then you did great!!! If not what would you change next time?

  2. WillShattuck

    Did you enjoy them? If so then you did great!!! If not what would you change next time?

  3. IM-MooningU

    They look fantastic! Give us details on how you felt about them.

  4. Hit that fat cap on the pan first to render out some fat and crisp it up a bit.

  5. StreetDifferent1439

    Looks tasty, great job! My only critique is some folks like to crust the outsides a bit, you may want to find ways to get closer to the fire or ramp up that grill and let it go 550+ and hold temp for 30 minutes before initial contact with the grill grates.

  6. redbullrobirishman

    Good, how ever next time get ur grill hotter.. what yr looking for is what’s called The maillard reaction. It’s the crust or the bark. The sear, little thin burnt layer on the out side. It adds 40% more flavor.

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