First time trying Charlie Andersons new york pizza recipe. Messed up the weights slightly but overall it was pretty good. Maybe little bit too chewy. Went in for another 60 seconds after cooling down for maximum crisp, picture was taken before.

by Whole-Amount-3577


  1. AffectionateArt4066

    Looks really great, you will meet neighbors you didn’t know you had.

  2. DoNotTreadonMe173

    Looks great! Really. I’ve found that if you use Charlie’s methods there is definitely some leeway, so keep doing what you’re doing.

  3. Successful-Street380

    Looks good. I have a pizza recipe that me and the kids would make

  4. BooBoo-FM


  5. jp_jellyroll


    I love Charlie’s channel. My current favorite dough recipe is one that I tweaked from [this video]( where he visits *St. Francis Apizza* in Cincinnati, OH. The proprietor, Alex, explains a lot of interesting dough tips he learned from the legendary Brian Spangler at *Apizza Scholls* in Portland, OR.

    Basically, it’s a 14-16 hour room temp poolish. It’s super flavorful without the need for 72-hours of fridge space which is good because my wife was getting ready to divorce me if I put one more dough container into our tiny fridge.

  6. agent-assbutt

    Well, *I* I want to eat your pizza and, personally, that’s all that matters to me. I’d say you’re doing well.


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