Vespertine **, Culver City (Los Angeles), USA

by flitcroft


  1. Overrated. Not on par with other two star places around the world

  2. Aztec_Mayan

    I’ve never done this level of fine dining in the US. What is the tipping policy in these restaurants? Do you add 20-30% to the USD 395 tab or is it typically included or what? If so, you’re suddenly looking at a USD 500 tab. For a city like LA it might not be insane, I suppose. I did Sushi Zo and it was like USD 300, no stars. It was pretty good, though; I cant recall if I tipped and how much.

    Just wondering.

  3. HolySaba

    Not surprised about the meat dish being your least favorite.  Our table was once told that he doesn’t like to eat meat very often, and it shows.  I’ve always found his best flavors in the vegetable dishes, and have been disappointed by the meat in all 3 of his restaurants.  

    Imo that’s what will always keep him at 2 stars.  

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