One of the most time consuming recipes in Dessert Person. Luckily I was free today and I’ve been wanting to make them🙂

by yordad


  1. migraine_fog

    Beautiful! Those are my very favorites!

  2. NectarineNights

    That looks so delicious I bet it was totally worth all the time and effort

  3. Looks amazing. These are on my list for this month. Any tips?

  4. emilysuzannevln

    Oh wow. Oh dear wow. I need to try this.

  5. Penguinator53

    Omg!!!! I had to Google what these are and now I desperately want one! Looks amazing and very skillful!

  6. CatfromLongIsland

    Oh wow! They look gorgeous. I made them several months ago from a different recipe. Mine looked . . . not gorgeous. 😂😂😂

  7. Wow.. They do look extremely inviting.

    Well done!

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