Everyone in my circle says no but they’re a bunch of squares with wrong opinions. Oreos and nacho cheese is gravy boys.

by SoyDusty


  1. sexualism

    Oreos and peanut butter is what i do. Cheese is CRAZY bro

  2. TheSaucyMinion

    FINALLY some truly stupid food. This is the worst thing I’ve seen so far today, so well done. Enjoy the upvote.

  3. Bee-Aromatic

    I sure as hell ain’t climbing that hill, but I’ll absolutely help you defend your claim to it.

    You do you, boo.

  4. Drunklebadtouch

    Tell me you suck toes without telling me you suck toes.

  5. Youreallindividuals

    You either have covid or indulged in some very strong marijuana…

  6. Sharktooth134

    Yes, gravy is the texture of what will come out in the other end after consuming this abomination.

  7. TasteMyTzatzki

    now THIS.. this is stupid. I appreciate this

  8. ZVreptile

    Naw fam I can’t … and I just dipped my pogo is nacho cheese

  9. Excellent_Pie5516

    actively made me lose my appetite and I was eating hibachi leftovers too

  10. Saul_Spaghetti-Man

    Oh god I thought this was yellow mustard

  11. PrimeBeefLoaf

    This looks like it belongs in r/stonerfood

  12. Kujo3043

    No, I’m going to be right there to watch the light leave your eyes and make sure the job was done.

  13. sharkprincefishstick

    Peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, cinnamon toast crunch spread, ice cream, a Frosty, chocolate almond butter.. I’d reach for anything else first.

  14. CantaloupeDream

    Are those options chains? For who?

    Also yeah, this is stupid. I appreciate you doubling down on it though. You gotta take a stand sometimes.

  15. Lollipop_2018

    Honestly I won’t mock it until I try it

  16. davvblack

    is the cheese warm? i might try this.

    apple pie and cheese is a classic

  17. KittyKenollie

    I’m listening … what type of nacho cheese is it? Is it warmed up or do you eat it at room temp like a heathen?

  18. deniably-plausible

    I’ve done malted milk chocolate candies with Easy-Cheese. That’s when you realize that these fake cheeses don’t really taste like cheese, they taste like salt.

  19. NotAFuckingFed

    Yeah you buried on the hill by yourself bro

  20. beefycheesyglory

    I was hoping, praying that that was custard.

  21. Siri how do I delete someone else’s post on Reddit

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