I am baking them Thursday night for a Friday afternoon party.

by mkc816


  1. Kimbahlee34

    When my Mom makes them she gets a box from the candy aisle at the store for like Mini M&M tubes etc then cover it with foil and the cones will fit in the slot. Then you can place it in a large food safe plastic box with a lid. We’ve used the same boxes a million times now just put new foil on them. You could probably find a brand new dessert box with the same holes at a craft/specialty store.

  2. Evangelynn

    I have no tips, but that is a fun idea! Please post how you work it out, I kinda want to try this for my kids’ next birthday!

  3. ComeRestGlow

    You could try what is done with pie crusts to keep them from going soggy – lightly brush the inside with an egg mix, bake in the oven to set the egg, take out, leave to cool, then fill with the cake mixtures.
    Not sure how it would work, but hope it does.

  4. MillieBirdie

    When I was a kid my mom just baked the batter directly inside the cones and while the cones did get soft they were still a hit.

    Another way might be to bake the cake and cut it into pieces, then stuff the pieces inside the cone.

  5. likejackieoh

    The whipped cream absolutely needs to be added right before you intend on serving them. I think that’s the biggest culprit when it comes to making them soggy.

    I would probably make the cakes in advance and cut them to size. Then, a little bit before serving, I could assemble.

    Or maybe you could assemble them (minus the whipped cream) and freeze them? The freezer is a low-moisture space and perhaps would help in limiting that?

  6. MundaneTea5822

    It looks like the cone might be brushed with a layer of chocolate on the inside???

  7. neener-neeners

    God this hit a childhood nostalgia button so hard. The fact that the cone was slightly soft was the BEST

  8. RealityPowerRanking

    I’ve never seen these before, what are they?

  9. HoraceP-D

    Wow! Memory unlocked. Not this three color business but totally this cookie/cake/cupcake hack… Weekend plans made.

  10. mulliganbegunagain

    You could bake the cake separately, cut out rounds and then assemble them the day of. This would also allow you to add frosting and/or fillings (candies, chocolate, berries, etc).

  11. wanttolovewanttolive

    Clearly I missed out on some very necessary childhood nostalgia because I have no memories of a dessert like this but now I desire it

  12. WitcheeeeeeeeeeWoman

    Lol I am 40 planning my birthday party and now I want them…following 😅

  13. citruselectro

    Don’t cover them after they come out of the oven. That’s how the moisture stays and makes them soggy

  14. shedrinkscoffee

    I agree with the general comments that it’s a visual thing first for the kids and sacrificing the crunchy texture is worth it to make the “fun” shape. Kids also go bonkers for extra whipped topping so as long as those boxes are checked you should be good to go imo.

  15. Ganjaghuleh

    My made these for me when I was a kid! She also baked them in the cone. Omg this brought back so many memories

  16. henrytabby

    I see a few comments saying these are waffle cones or sugar cones but actually they’re called cake cones

  17. I don’t remember the cones getting soft. These are fun. Great idea!

  18. catplanetcatplanet

    Wow! I haven’t seen these since early elementary school! I had a book of crafts and recipes for girls (maybe American Girl Doll brand?) that had these and begged my mom to make them. WOW.

  19. purplepeopleeater31

    Not me immediately reaching out to my mom for her recipe after seeing these because I totally forgot they existed but I LOVED them as a kid

  20. Odd_Cabinet_7734

    Cakes continue cooling for a while once they’re out of the oven. However, you choose to store them, make sure the lid isn’t completely secure and there’s airflow, or condensation will build up and they will be soggy. From experience lol.

  21. _MaryJane-

    i cook these upside down, with the cake mix directly in the tin and the cone shoved on top. not as much cake gets in the cone, but it looks more like a scoop of ice cream when done. might have to make weekend cupcakes for the hell of it now.

  22. ChelRett

    I’ve made these a lot and they never got soggy. Just frost them the day of. After you bake, store in refrigerator.

  23. Calamity0o0

    My mom always made these for me to bring to school for my birthday! I can’t remember if she thought she invented them but one time another mom made the same thing and she was upset that they “stole” her thing lmao

  24. owleealeckza

    Kinda unrelated but I always remember first seeing this recipe idea in a Highlights magazine as a kid.

  25. Imo that’s how it is best, soft like cake but a slight crunch. Going with the other person that said my family has always just poured the batter right into the cone and it turns out as it should.

  26. Captivebreadbakery

    I made these as a kid. And I still make them over 20 years later.

    Step 1- accept that they WILL still have a bit of sogginess to parts of the cone. It’s just part of it. Cake creates steam.

    Step 2- use a thicker batter (I.e. my chocolate cupcake batter is very liquidy, my others are not. I wouldn’t use my chocolate cupcake batter) and chill it before putting in the cones.

  27. whatatradgesty

    I had luck with poking holes in the bottom with a toothpick right out of the oven to let the steam out then let them cool on a rack and frost the next day right before the party. Anything longer and they’ll start to lean from the softness but they’ll still taste great

  28. Just don’t put the whipped cream on the top until right before the party. And if you leave the cones out or in the microwave with the door cracked a little bit they won’t get saggy soggy

  29. Foreign_Cup2632

    You can try to make a layer of melted chocolate between the cone and the cake. Just let it fully dry before adding the cake.

  30. B-Girl-Ca

    My sis backed the cake separately in a cookie sheet and cut it with biscuit cutters to stuff them in the cones

  31. cbetsinger

    You could bake them at a low temp before serving to crisp them up if that’s your jam

  32. GirlULove2Love

    Oh my gosh, I had forgotten all about these. They were so fun to eat when I was a kid in the 70s & 80s. Damn, I miss my Mamma… she made me some amazing treats for my birthdays at school.

  33. Crazy-bored4210

    I’d like to add my idea here. Don’t fill the cone up all the way and put ice cream in the top instead of whipped cream. Hershey kiss in the bottom before cake batter. Cherry and sprinkles on top

  34. MyEggDonorIsADramaQ

    I always just baked them in the cones.

  35. AdmSndlr

    Bake it in the cone, I swear the way the cone gets slightly softer is better than it

  36. Andiepandie4

    My mom made these for my birthday when I was 4. She brought them out to surprise me at my party. I thought it was ice cream cones, and I was ecstatic…then when I realized it was CAKE I was completely mortified and refused to eat one. All my friends enjoyed them while I cried. 🤣 Ive never eaten one to this day, but this post makes me want one!

  37. HoneyBeePeachXL

    Like the inside of the cones with melted chocolate— little patisserie hack.

    Just melt some chocolate, doesn’t matter which kind and paint the inside with it.

  38. Sicktoyou

    Bake the three cakes.

    Tear them to pieces.

    Mix with frosting that match the color.

    Put in the fridge over night.

    Than make the cones when your ready to serve.

    You can also try to bake it afterwards and see how that works.

  39. InsideComfortable936

    Cool completely before refrigeration

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