My second attempt at grilling steak, how’d I do?

by BetterCallSal


  1. stifffingerperk

    Looks good if it also tasted good then you did what you set out to do. It’s all about practice makes perfect 😁

  2. If you are going for medium well , I think you did about as good as you can do on gas.

  3. bcrabill

    That’s what I aim for after decades of steaks. Looks much better than my second steak.

  4. sheisjustatoy

    That’ll do pig. That’ll do. Great job!!

  5. Nice job! The more you grill the better you get to know your grill (hot spots, etc) and it gets easier.

  6. ISaidWhat13

    Honestly, if you thought it tasted good, then you did a great job! Aside from that, I’d try a bite.

  7. DynaLover

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d eat. A couple years ago I started charring the outside over direct heat for two minutes each side then I will place the steaks on indirect heat for desired level of done after that. My wife likes hers medium which is pure evil to me, lol. I like mine rare, I want to see that beautiful steak juice being sopped up by the steak on my plate.

    That said, I’ve messed up a lot of steaks that looked a LOT worse than that and I’ve been grilling for decades.

    For a second time that was nice

  8. Looks medium well. Looks well seasoned. Looks delicious.

  9. Prize_Pressure8313

    Looks like shit. You’ll get a lot of smoke blown up your ass but that looks gross. Might not be you though, might be the steak,

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