How much shrimp is too mich shrimp?

by LuiDerLustigeLeguan


  1. Gabbaminchioni

    Any shrimp is too much, when put on a pizza with cheese. Sorry but the law says so.

  2. Loud-Firefighter-787

    Thats not a question 🤦‍♂️. There is no too “mich” (much😜) shrimp!

  3. Klink1974

    You haven’t reached it yet. Throw some krab on there too

  4. now why the hell r u putting shrimp on ur pizza

  5. llcdrewtaylor

    I’d take a bite. It wouldn’t be good, but I’m a slow learner.

  6. Yeesusman

    Curious if you cooked the shrimp first or if they were raw before cooking the pizza?

  7. Mountain-Froyo-2558

    That’s literally the perfect amount 😋

  8. sibelius_eighth

    Til: people are scared of shrimp and cheese together. I think shrimp on pizza is wonderful and more places should offer it.

  9. Anxious-Businez

    my natural instinct is to recoil but this honestly looks pretty good…

  10. MyNeighborThrowaway

    For any other food, there is no limit.

    Pizza though, jusy WHY?

  11. Prometheus6R

    I’m not much of a shrimp person but this would be a wild idea for a play on Fra diavolo with grilled shrimp. Use some creamy burrata instead of low moisture mozzarella to knock down some of the spice. I’m not going to yuck your yum but I’d definitely change up the method. Thanks for trying something different 🤙🏻

  12. ffscott88

    Yummmm. Why is shrimp on pizza not a thing (at least where I live).

  13. AshamedRazzmatazz805

    Never too much. Ever made a Tchapitoulas.??

  14. TraditionAcademic968

    Nor sure how to feel about that. I’d try it

  15. Marskelletor

    1 if I have my epipen. I guess 1 if I don’t have it either.

  16. Seafood1969

    There is a place near me that makes a hot and spicy pizza and that is to die for no red sauce just the dough and spicy sauce cheese and shrimp 10 out of 10 stars

  17. People’s food preferences are weird.

    * Shrimp poboy in bread roll = yes
    * Shrimp in burrito with cheese = yes
    * Shrimp fra diavolo with tomato sauce = yes
    * Mac and cheese with seafood = yes

    Shrimp in pizza with sauce and cheese = WTF

  18. Specialist_Job_4899

    Looks like the perfect amount to me…😋😋😋

  19. Las_Vegan

    I’ve only ever heard of shrimp on pizza from when my kid used to play Club Penguin. Hey if anchovies work why not shrimp?

  20. There is no such thing as too much shrimps on pizza. Its the law.

  21. PinkyGurl2003

    Never too much shrimp 🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤

  22. Rudollis

    If I was walking by that pie, it would be one shrimp too many. Easy fix though.

  23. I don’t see any. Therefore, it’s not enough shrimps. 5/7 needs more shrimps

  24. StrawberryBubbleTea7

    You get it!!! I’ve loved shrimp pizza ever since I tried it at &pizza years ago. It’s a great combo! And then my family used to look at my sideways for getting shrimp on my pizza and then ask for a slice 10 minutes later!

  25. Responsible-Pin3233

    this looks insanely delicious. Load it up!!

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