This is my first, but it won’t be my last. Oh my goodness, it is so easy and good.. Fasy, Quick. and easy. Great for breakfast, lunch, or just a snack. Give it a try!

Recipe for 2 sandwiches
4 slices keto bread
4 thinly sliced deli ham
6 thinly sliced deli turkey
4 slices favorite cheese
2 tablespoon mayo
1 eggs
1 tablespoons heavy cream
3 tablespoons butter
Favorite jam..traditionally raspberry jam.. mine was homemade cranberry pepper

Optional..powdered sugar

Make sandwich..
Whisk egg and heavy cream together
Dip sandwich in egg mixture.. both sides
Cook in melted, heated butter until brown on both sides.
Eat with jam


  1. Traditional Monte Cristo sandwich's get dusted (after frying) with powdered sugar. Next time, skip the salt in egg/HWC mixture and sprinkle with a powered sugar substitute. Love watching your videos

  2. That looks so delish!! I love a good Monte Cristo sandwich!! I've bought one loaf of keto bread and had to throw that expensive loaf away!!! I will not buy expensive bread or flours or sugars. Sorry, Rose! Groceries are too high these days!

  3. Love your recipes! I heard you say you had an Amazin store now, but I can't find the link. Can you post the link, please? Thank you!

  4. Sorry guys net carbs is a marketing strategy carbs are carbs. Two slices of that bead has 20 carbs . All bread turns to sugar before you even swallow it. Check out Dr Eric C. Westman for all things keto and low carb. Don’t be fooled by the food industry. I do like many of your recipes and adjust when necessary. If a package has the word keto or keto friendly don’t buy it . They are just lying to you.

  5. Just curious if you also read labels? Many products now available at the stores claim to be keto or low carb on the package but when I read the ingredients they are still using harmful ingredients. I agree do what’s working for you both and applause for your weight loss and controlling your pre diabetes and rose stomach healing ❤️

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