Amazing diner at Maaemo in Oslo. One of the best 3 Michelin stars restaurant we have been outside of France.
Contemporary, Nordic & next level cuisine.
The restaurant itself is a masterpiece on 2 floors with an open kitchen.
A great experience.

The only minor reproach would be our waitress heavily emphasis how much the Champagne and wine pairing (starting from 250€ for 5 glasses…) would highlight our diner…
We declined politely but still felt a bit judged to be the only table simply enjoying the whole diner with water…
Have you ever felt like this ?

by MMO1987


  1. One of my favourite meals ever. The restaurant is one of the most impressive dining rooms I’ve sat in.

    Loved everything. We did one wine and one non-alcoholic pairing. Both were great.

    Also they didn’t charge me for two glasses of Krug so that’s always going to add to the experience.

  2. norizzrondesantis

    The chicken skin brioche looks incredible.

  3. Yes, we went last year and thought it was excellent.

  4. Firm_Interaction_816

    I remember seeing this on Alexander the Guest a while back and saving it immediately on my Gmaps. I will absolutely be going if I make any plans to be in Oslo.

  5. Big-Eagle

    Damn, this menu looks a lot better than mine when I went there back in 2019!!

  6. UnderstandingHot9999

    Went a couple days ago. Absolutely phenomenal dinner. I personally do think the wine pairing helped a lot though, as some of the dishes were on the sweet side (like the langoustine with chamomile), and the wine pairing helped brighten the dishes with some acidity.

    As for being judged, nobody is judging you. Enjoy your dinner with or without pairing.

  7. Agreeable-Ad-7110

    I am not a wealthy person by any measure, I just spend all my money on food and as soon as I saw this menu online, I booked a trip to oslo for like 3 days and went and it fully exceeded expectations. Kontrast was also great haha. That langoustine being even better than Aska was mind blowing to me.

    Edit: My friend and I split the cheaper wine pairing and while it was very good, I didn’t think it was like absolutely integral to the meal or even like one of the best pairings I’ve had, so don’t worry about it haha.

  8. Wooden_Hair_9679

    I’ve been there too. Order water and maybe 1 or 2 non alcoholic pairings. Didn’t feel uncomfortable with it.

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