Made a double batch of sandwich bread and one of the loaves exploded. We will still eat it though.

by ErynCuz


  1. GlassAcrobatic9777

    It looks like the slits to the bread weren’t enough for the steam to escape

  2. MusicMantraMelody

    Looks like Righty decided to make a grand exitt! lol!

  3. Mother-Baker75

    He just looks like me when I put on that one pair of jeans! I understand that loaf!

  4. MawMaw1103

    I’m sure they’re both very tasty and I’d be happy to take the right loaf off your hands and make a sammich with it!! 😂 Just brought in a dozen Cherokee tomatoes, grown from harvested & dried seeds from years past. Our plants were started/grown from seeds started during the winter months. It’s definitely a lot of work, but so, so worth it when I can make just a fresh tomato sandwich with a little mayo! 🍅🍞☀️

  5. Potatoskins937492

    Righty tighty, lefty loosey, obviously. They knew their assignments.

  6. Looking a bit loosey – maybe change which side it’s on?

  7. Wannabe-Washedlol

    Righty forgot to turn lefty into the gym parking lot

  8. DaysOfWhineAndToeses

    Styling his comb-over for a big night on the town. He came into some dough and thought it was time to rise and shine.

  9. Truman_Show_Place

    Righty had a tad too much fun. Righty probably grabbed some extra yeast.

  10. Alert-Potato

    Do you roll your dough into it’s shape rather than knead it into a loaf(ish) shape? The shape of the tear looks to me like it got placed seam side up.

  11. -CommanderShepardN7

    There is always an evil twin. And here is a perfect example.

  12. Competitive_Cut_8746

    I guess I’ll have to taste it with some butter to find out what went wrong. Tough job but somebody’s gotta do it. By the way, may I have a cup of black tea with milk and sugar while I’m researching what went wrong? Lol!!!!

  13. PersonalFigure8331

    The right one was scored with a machete?

  14. VaguelyArtistic

    Some bread just can’t be kept down on the farm. Your bread has wings, let it fly!

  15. swearbearstare

    Righty looks like he’s on the cover of a romance novel, ripping his shirt open

  16. Slightlysanemomof5

    Like I told my daughters as they hit puberty just because you have two doesn’t mean they will be the same size And shape. But they are perfect and size doesn’t matter ( and in this case only yummy)
    Just enjoy them.

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