Bout to throw this bad boy on the grill

by manzin82


  1. PhillyChef3696

    Having an Aliens watch party to get ready for the new movie?

  2. I found this random canister of black liquid you can use as a marinade

  3. WhiskeyTangoFoxy

    Grill? Normally start it in the oven and then finish it with a flamethrower to crisp up the crust.

  4. goldbug933

    Face Hugger/Chest buster mmm… delicious. Acidy spit.

  5. Afraid-Ad7379

    Is that Wagyu ? I only eat Wagyu aliens.

  6. shefillsmy3kgofhoney

    Better to nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure

  7. MrFr1zzle

    What does facehugger taste like? Chicken? Pork?

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