I'm far from professional,, but I'm so proud of these! 🙂

by VeterinarianOk9223


  1. MikeOKurias

    Okay, these are amazing and I’m jealously stealing this idea for next spring.

  2. Mango_Matter222

    wow they’re beautiful, amazing job

  3. They look so dainty and elegant
    Def using this idea!

  4. Independent-Award394

    How did you do it? Just pressed on edible flowers before baking the cookies? I would love to make some! Tell me your technique, pleaseee!

  5. Aggravating_Tie_6288

    And you should be proud 😀 Those are super pretty!

    They look like little paintings ♥ Great job!!

  6. leaveittobunny

    Where did you get the edible flowers?

  7. Few_Butterscotch_969

    What an elegant concept! You may not do this professionally, but you could if you wanted to! I could see these being the special touch at a late summer soirée or an engagement party 🥳

  8. bigsadkittens

    These are so cute 🥺 question though, do you eat the flower? I’m imagining they might be hard to elegantly bite through when you eat, leaving you with a “oops I pulled off all the tomatoes and onions on my burger” situation

  9. SeaTransportation422

    Absolutely beautiful! But how did they taste? 😊

  10. These are absolutely gorgeous, how did they taste?

  11. Dont_Worries

    These are so delightful! Did you use a regular sugar cookie dough for rolled and cut cookies, or a specific recipe for pressed flower cookies?

  12. Few_Explanation1170

    I want to read Jane Austen whist enjoying these gorgeous cookies.

  13. LuminousMeatwad

    Amazing! These are so pretty and dainty. Do you happen to have the recipe?

  14. whatsadoughnut

    Beautiful would be perfect for a bridal or a baby shower!

  15. sop83255

    These are as professional as anything I’ve seen! You have a real talent. Are you going to start a business? I think you would do well🥰

  16. cancat918

    These are brilliant and so beautiful they should be made into a bouquet!💐

  17. noonvale12

    I love this, I want to try with nasturtium!

  18. Arialwaysdiesss

    Drop the recipe and tutorial PLS 😫

  19. Remind me of Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses!! Absolutely beautiful work, OP! 🌸

  20. This is the most unique thing I’ve seen in baking in a long time.

  21. StillMarie76

    I’m a very new baker. Are these “before” or “after” pictures? I honestly can’t tell. They are beautiful either way.

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