First of all I want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed each of these restaurants, and think that they are all extraordinary in their own rights. Having been to ~30 three-starred restaurants across Europe and North America, I would put all of these closer to the top of that list. With that being said, if I had to personally rank these restaurants, this is how it would probably go:

  1. Frantzen

  2. RE-NAA

  3. Noma

  4. Maaemo

  5. Geranium

  6. Jordnær

Again, I want to reiterate that this doesn’t mean I thought Geranium & Jordnær were bad, there were just tiny details that made me personally like the other ones a little bit more.

Now as far as the pictures go, there are about 200 of them, which I can’t fit into a single post on here, so instead I’ve put them all, along with all of the dish descriptions, on 6 separate Imgur posts, which I’ll link below.







If you have any questions or comments, feel free to let me know.

I’ve also attached a few of my favorite photos from each restaurant to this post.
Once again, all of the dish descriptions are included in the Imgur links. Hopefully that’s okay.

by UnderstandingHot9999


  1. EchoKiloEcho1

    Ugh I’m dying to go to Frantzen, timing just hasn’t worked out yet. I’m planning to go to Maaemo in December, would be very happy to hear your thoughts on it.

    Edit: went through your Maaemo photos, really nice write up!

  2. InFlames235

    Photos are incredible! What are your top 3 star restaurants in the USA? My wife and I almost went to Noma last year when we were in Copenhagen but decided against it just due to price. Seeing it as #3 in the Nordics is surprising given its reputation so curious your favs in NA

  3. Current-Skill1809

    Wow- thank you so much for all of the gorgeous photos and detailed descriptions. I’ve really been enjoying going through them.

  4. Live_Work9665

    Really cool see the Noma pics. I interned there and seeing a viewpoint from someone else brings back tons of new nostalgia. Goooood times!

  5. Individual-Engine-32

    Have you been to Alchemist? I know it’s only 2 stars, but I’m curious how it compares.

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