This is an old steak house.
Yesterday I went to Peter Luger Steak House and found that the business was not as good as before. Why?

by Smile-Cynthia-Liu


  1. capthazelwoodsflask

    It’s never as good as your memory of the first/last time. I’ve been let down by places I loved but haven’t been to in years, too.

    Looks good to me but I’ve never been there to judge.

  2. LordSlippy

    It’s over rated imo.. I get my meat from the same place in hunts point as them and I’d rather make it myself and save the money

  3. 3rdPlaceYoureFired

    Go to Keens instead. Lugers feels like a beer hall vs a nice steakhouse restaurant and the food is better imo

  4. DerelictDonkeyEngine

    It smells like rotting bear cub out front.

  5. Lurkingguy1

    Very inconsistent. I won’t deny, the best steak I ever had was at Peter Lugers Brooklyn in like 2009-2010, saw Andrew Lincoln from TWD there. Never been as good since, and I’ve also had the worst steak there a few times later. I wouldn’t go back unless someone else paying

  6. I recently went to the one in Vegas. I thought it was great but I’m not hard to impress.

  7. Expert-Lock-6751

    Had a great meal at the Great Neck location. Had porterhouse for two, it was tremendous. This was 2018/19.

  8. jermboyusa

    They’ve relied on their reputation for years now and don’t give much of a shit. Several others are are as good or better. I’m a fan of Wolfgangs and The Palm myself.

  9. muffinmancan

    Unfortunately it has gone the way of Katz’s. A stalwart New York institution that has prioritized tourists and their social media moments over the food.

  10. Trivi_13

    I bet the chef was surfing through reddit instead of watching your steak…

  11. PJBleakney

    Was planning on going there in September, might change my plans, thanks for the advice!

  12. Steven1789

    Go to Keens next time you want to eat in a great NYC steakhouse. I think the food is much better and the overall experience is far superior, including the ambience. Great bar for a cocktail beforehand.

  13. WillPersist4EvR

    This looks like a rib steak. Never had that there. 

    How was it?

  14. Underwater_Karma

    What’s that thing that looks like a single piece of burned bacon?

    And maybe I’m alone here, but I’d be very upset if I ordered a steak and it arrived chopped up. Cooling a steak as rapidly as possible is a weird choice

  15. miscplacedduck

    Please don’t slice my steak for me.

  16. dirtisgood

    I was there like 15 years ago and i thought it was overrated.  Theres no menus, the waiter basically told us what we were getting.  Steak, spanich and some potatoes.  The steak was good, but everything else was crap.  

    Definitely felt like they were riding on the tourist trap crap. 

  17. HaymakerSlim

    This has to be the most divisive steakhouse in the U.S. Personally, I was not impressed. I do like buying their sauce at the grocery store though

  18. Sevens89

    I was just planning on taking the fam there, it’s famous and figured I’d check it off the list. But now, maybe not!

  19. 0wa1nGlyndwr

    That all looks terrible. And if someone brings me a steak already sliced up, I will slap them.

  20. maniac86

    I watched a documentary awhile back on famous steakhouses and Peter lugers thing seemed to be taking admittedly giant cuts of steak… and just putting them under a broiler? I’m like 90% sure they didn’t even salt the damn thing.

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