I’m usually making dinner, and most of my baking is done when my wife is out of town so there’s a sweet treat when she gets back. This time I tried my hand at Japanese/cotton cheesecake.

by entenduintransit


  1. entenduintransit

    Not an original recipe, I followed [this one](https://www.chocolatesandchai.com/japanese-cotton-cheesecake/) from Chocolates & Chai. Turned out better than I hoped for especially the texture.

    I will say the recipe leaves out some details regarding the Bain-Marie aspect, notably:

    * The water should cover the bottom half of the cake pan.
    * Typically, you fill the Bain-Marie with boiling water, but hot tap water usually works fine, and it’s what I used here.

    Everything else is what I followed to a T*. Amazing flavor and texture. Next time I make it, I’ll probably follow the same exact recipe but may experiment with a flavor extract in the batter, like ube or maple.

    *The only thing I did differently is that I didn’t use an apricot glaze like the recipe says is traditional. We have a lot of fresh strawberries so I decided to make syrup from those instead.

  2. Saratrooper

    Ahh that looks perfect! I haven’t made one in a few years, but now that you mentioned using ube extract, that might also make it a fun color in addition to the flavor! 🤩

  3. ZiaWitch

    I made one a few years ago. It was really delicious and I enjoyed the texture. I had mine with homemade strawberry, peach, and cherry jams I had around. Sooo good. The only problem is it’s so light and fluffy. You could eat the entire thing and one sitting.😂😅

  4. whimcity

    I had my first Japanese cheesecake a while ago and it was very dry, Is it supposed to be that way?

  5. AggressivePayment0

    Looks neat. How would you describe it to someone whose never had that style before?

  6. Conscious-Initial-19

    Nice one. Those are tricky to get right. Bet your wife’s gonna love coming home to that fluffy goodness. How’d it taste?

  7. Krazziegirl

    That looks great. Japanese cheesecakes are the best!

  8. Feline3415

    These are so good. My sister in law has made it.

  9. CraftFamiliar5243

    I tried one of those once. I wound up with a pile of sugary scrambled eggs. It was my biggest baking disaster because it wasn’t even edible. Just a waste of eggs. Maybe I’ll try this recipe.

  10. Effective-Deer-5825

    That looks delectable! Your wife’s a lucky woman. 😂

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