I found a great recipe for pecan pie cheesecake on this sub and tweeked to be more pecan filling than cheesecake. Entered it in the state fair pecan pie contest, but it didn't pass their pie detector test πŸ˜„πŸ˜†

by TheDocHolliday


  1. ADystopianDream

    I’m hosting a pecan pie cheesecake contest, you can submit it to me 😌

  2. FlavioTheFlavor

    How is that not a pie! Looks amazing, and very pie like!Β 

  3. Drysfoet

    What even are their criteria for pie, anyway? Looks gorge.

  4. xFlumel_

    Please enlighten me what the FUCK I’m looking at if not a pie

  5. Sagilomir

    This looks delicious !! Could we have the recipe please ?

  6. Fine-Professor6470

    Honestly I didn’t see that coming I can’t stop laughing … the pie detector lol

  7. AmbassadorSad1157

    Looks scrumptious. Meets my criteria. Blue ribbon to you.

  8. StrawHatVetTech

    Whoever rejected it for not being a pie sounds like a major stick in the mud πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. SeaAttitude2832

    Hhhiiijjiiinnkkksss!!! I’m calling Hijinks on the whole damn bunch of them. Looks amazing.

  10. AdGold7860

    Someone didn’t want to lose to that delicious beast.

  11. honeyrrsted

    My mom is a math teacher that makes pies for Pi Day (3/14) and she calls cheesecake a cream cheese pie.

  12. lickmybowls2

    lol I’m guessing it’s from not using a pie crust instead you used graham cracker crust

  13. saulutee

    Is a pie detector just a human tasting pies πŸ€”

  14. PorkchopFunny

    Looks good to me!

    I’ve learned not to stray too far off the beaten path when entering at the fair. I entered some killer cardamom pumpkin pie cupcakes into the cupcake contest one year. They weren’t even judged and deemed underbaked because they had a more custard-y pumpkin pie type texture rather than the typical cake texture. I’m like, they’re pumpkin pie cupcakes that is the texture I was going for LOL.

  15. Wow. Just wow. Shame on them. May their pillow be forever hot and their back always sweaty.

    Now, as for you and your pie, I say you win first place! Congrats champ! πŸ†

  16. Prudent_Valuable603

    It’s a cheesecake. And a pie. They need to make a new category at the State Fair.

  17. gloryholeseeker

    Cheesecake is technically a custard but it makes no difference.

  18. TheSiren341

    Now you gotta share that recipe and I’ll see if it passes my pie detector test

  19. chronic_pain_sucks

    **I don’t care for their rules at all.**

    *The Ohio State Fair Pie Contest has several rules, including:*

    *Crusts: Single crust pies cannot have crumb crusts, and two-crust pies must include lattice.*

    First, there’s nothing wrong with a crumb crust. Anybody had a grasshopper pie? It’s delicious and would not be the same without a crumb crust. That’s a dumb rule. Second, although a lattice top is nice, nothing wrong with alternatives. Apple pie, for example, requires two solid crusts for best results. What the fuck is wrong with these people. And who the hell appointed them to be judges. They should be fired!

    OP, I give your pie a blue ribbon. πŸ†

  20. f8Negative

    Layers out of order. Not a pie. Noted A bunch of jealous peoples.

  21. elderpricetag

    I mean, if I was told I was getting a slice of pie and bit into it and it was actually cheesecake, I would be extremely disappointed. Cheesecake is not pie lol.

  22. Sweet-Emu6376

    This is like that “is a hot dog a sandwich” argument. πŸ˜‚

  23. catinthecupboard

    Pleaaaaase hit us with a recipe link.

  24. fuschia_taco

    I mean, I’d be interested in the recipe to this “not a pie” because it still looks delicious af. Did the judges at least eat any or did they cut it and decide since it was disqualified they’d just let you keep it all? Idk how that works, I’m never brave enough to submit my food for contests. Not because I’m bad at cooking (I do alright, I think) but I just don’t like negative feedback lol. I always tell people if I give them a treat “let me know if you like it, keep your damn thoughts to yourself if you don’t”

    I know negative feedback allows for growth but I’ve been fighting negative self image issues my whole life and hearing my food sucks just hurts my feelings lol. Thankfully no one has said anything but positive but I kinda don’t leave them room to do anything but, either.

    Anyways, mind sharing the recipe? Sorry for the weird tangent.

    Edit: I’ll search the sub, I skimmed the text initially and I see now that you found the recipe here and tweaked it some. Off I go!

  25. Could you please post the recipe for this? Or at least the process? I’ve been trying to figure out a specific cheesecake pie, but all the ones I find are cheesecakes with pie topping.

  26. empire_of_the_moon

    I’m afraid that as a judge in the contest I was unable to sample your entry.

    I’ll be more than pleased to do so via mail.

    I have a weakness for pecan pie and now I understand my addiction is inescapable. I would commit crimes to get at that pie.

    You may not have won in Ohio. But in the Texas I was raised in, we would have made you Governor.

    I now live in YucatΓ‘n MΓ©xico​ so my pie days are sadly behind me. But tacos are a decent consolation.

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