New to cooking. Did my best to make a stir fry

by NeferkareShabaka


  1. NeferkareShabaka

    Includes: broccoli, celery, peppers, mushrooms, pasta, mackarel fish (also turmeric, sea salt, black pepper, msg, soy sauce)

  2. udeniable

    Honestly, i wouldnt have been able to tell if you were new to this. This looks so yummy, i instantly felt for it snd tasted it in mh mouth.

  3. positivepsyduck

    Somehow it never occurred to me that rotini can be used in stir fry, going to try this this week!

  4. dudzi182

    Never seen pasta in a stir fry but it looks delicious!

  5. REidson89

    Never considered pasta stir fry but it looks tasty!

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