Pizza 🥰

by Luvwizrd


  1. SFDessert

    I think this is legit the bare minimum of what I’d consider a pizza. Yikes.

  2. ZuStorm93

    I thought those were gummy pizza slices for a second…

  3. Jbirdbears88

    Just add a little garlic powder, oregano, and some dabs of hot sawse 🤘🔥

  4. Apprehensive_Hand147

    Looks like melted cheese on styrofoam

  5. Ketchup? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)

  6. LauraPa1mer

    Okay but are those mini pepperonis? Like what is happening here?

  7. Goon_Kilo

    I can excuse the platter, to a degree.
    But ketchup, is inexcusable.

    You were so close to a Michelin Star. ☹️

  8. ImpertantMahn

    Bravo on the lunchables pizza. 10/10 SFP content

  9. firestar268


    Italians are like:

  10. God I thought these are one of those miny supermarket toy food u got as a kid, what did u do😭

  11. udumslut

    Don’t let these people hide your light, you gorgeous horror! Next time, toast up the tortilla in a pan on the stove and then top it and stick it in the oven for a few minutes.

  12. artie_pdx

    I’ve fapped to a lot of questionable shit in my life and by my left hand I cannot comprehend how I may even ever feel anything that sparks joy again.

  13. MettaRed

    This dollhouse mini stuff is outta control 🤭

  14. lnt12_cw23

    Is that ketchup? How has nobody questioned the ketchup?

  15. karatebanana

    we gonna talk about the ketchup or what

  16. LuluTopSionMid

    Ooooh ok it’s a tortilla with cheese melted on it and maybe hotdogs. Smash.

  17. bikesboozeandbacon

    The perspective or maybe shape of the pepperonis look like it’s miniature

  18. Narrow-Assignment621

    It’s like you tried to not try

  19. Euphorium

    At this point just make a Totinos, they’re like $2.

  20. DestroyTroy90

    Just curious but why pizza and ketchup? Such a weird mix just hungry or something you like?

  21. Zerostar39


  22. leesharon1985

    Pepperoni cheese quesadilla with ketchup? Heard

  23. NauseousDingDong

    I stared at this for way too long trying to figure it out lol

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