la cabaña in st. paul, minnesota has the best green restaurant salsa i’ve ever had but i’ve seen this style of salsa a few times before in different restaurants. if it helps it looks like its also used for their oysters? is it salsa verde with a lot more cilantro? different pepper ratio? etc. it looks and tastes so much brighter than other salsa verde i’ve had
by definiendum20
Looks like Tomatillo Salsa Verde
OP. honestly, I don’t see any cilantro in that green (verde) salsa. Just a lot of tomatillo pulp and some seeds. CIlantro would stand out as dark green, regardless of how finely chopped or blended, imo.
I’m not sure how this place specifically does it but the best way to keep color in cooked veggies is to either boil/steam them and then shock-blanch them in ice water immediately after.
The rapid cooling actually stops the breakdown of the chlorophyll so it retains a bright color.
This works for all veggies and for all purposes. That included the Serranos that were most likely used for the sauce.
The fresh cilantro will also add to that bright coloring, but it’s difficult to say because the salsa in your photo doesn’t seem to have a ton of leafy particulate matter so the cilantro is either few and far between or wasn’t used at all.
I think I do see bits of cilantro. This might sound crazy but I think they may use food coloring to make it so bright
i would assume its hella cilantro and tomatillos, and if its spicy some green habaneros.
Serrano peppers and a few tomatillos
It’s a raw salsa. Look up “salsa verde cruda” on YouTube.