Made some donut holes for breakfast this morning. How did I do?

by A_smaII_Fry


  1. ___tulip___

    They look really good! Donut holes sound so good right now🤤🥲

  2. Well, they look really good, but the only way to know for sure is to taste them, so…overnight a few my way?

    Jokes aside, what recipe did you use? Would love to give this a try myself.

  3. eeksie-peeksie

    There’s no telling until we eat one, says the woman whose daughter made gorgeous donut holes from a healthy recipe that included FF Greek yogurt

    I have donut hole trust issues now

  4. ExaminationFancy

    I would get SO FAT if I learned to make donuts.

  5. Few-Mechanic1212

    you did terrible yeah absolutely terrible awful ew so you can just give them all to me

    uh not that i’m going to eat them bc who would lolol no uh


  6. banana-itch

    :0 :0 :0 yummm those look absolutely perfect!!!!

  7. karenskygreen

    Terrible, I’ll be right over to take them off your hands 🙂

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