It was my first time entering a baking competition and my blueberry pie won 2nd place and the Oregon award at the Oregon State Fair!

by CountSnackula111


  1. ZiaWitch

    Congrats!! I’ll finish that off for you friend. 😍🐷😛🥧

  2. Codilious44

    Wow way to go. That looks amazing and wouldn’t last too long around me.

  3. ScratchTechnical9281

    I feel like if I put toaster strudel icing on this id eat the whole pie without even thinking about it! No matter how much sugar

  4. Infamous_Party_4960

    Congrats! It looks beautiful and tasty

  5. hartswyld

    Congratulations 🌟🌟🌟and thank you for the recipe😊✨️

  6. PandoraJeep

    Did they tape that to your pie? Lol congratulations though! Hell of a brag and a beautiful pie.

  7. chipsdad

    Congratulations! I’m surprised that much was left to take a picture!!

  8. MyDogAteYourPancakes

    Your crust looks perfect! Lightly golden and tender flakes. Wow I’m jealous

  9. CatfromLongIsland

    How wonderful! Congratulations! The filling looks glorious. But the cross section of that lattice reveals those gorgeous, flakey layers! That is some serious yumminess in a pie plate!

  10. onthewingsofangels

    Congratulations! That is awesome!

  11. Actual_Spinach_3957

    Congratulations on your lovely pie! It’s so silly that they taped that on there! Lol

  12. Matt-the-Bakerman

    Congrats! That’s a huge accomplishment !

  13. Lost_Royal_5031

    When you enter baking competitions are you required to make up your own recipe? Do you have to disclose if you used one from online?

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