The brownies are Sally's baking addiction and the cookies are her chewy chocolate chip.

by bluecuppycake


  1. Those are the most beautiful chocolate chip cookies I have ever seen

  2. AmbassadorSad1157

    Either or both would be comforting to someone grieving. Such a thoughtful gift. They both look yummy.

  3. zinamuhnrowl

    What chocolate chips did you use on those cookies? They’re beautiful ❤️

  4. abbytryingherbest

    Oh my GOD those cookies look so fricken good

  5. AustinBennettWriter

    I’m also bereaved! They look amazing!

  6. PDXBeccaP

    Very thoughtful of you to do that. And I totally agree with what everyone else has said; those cookies look absolutely amazing!

  7. mr_antman85

    Sally never does wrong. I hope these will be comforting to those who will be receiving them.

  8. LindaLinica

    I need to make these cookies😍😍😍

  9. amnes1ac

    This the type of thing I’d remember forever if a friend did this for me.

  10. ADHDGardener

    I’m pregnant and about to cry bc these look so good 😭

  11. Shadowtirs

    Omg thank you for sharing this, this looks beautiful!!!

    Where do I find this cookie recipe please????

  12. coffeequeen0523

    Thank you for sharing your cookies and fudge with us. Both look delicious.

    I’m truly sorry for the loss to the bereaved family and friends. 💔😢😪🥲

  13. Lvsucknuts69

    Those are some beautiful desserts! It was a very thoughtful gift. I’m a funeral director and I always encourage giving food. Sometimes you just need a good brownie and a good cry.

  14. Tookey_Clothespin

    Those are some of the most perfect chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever seen.

  15. Revolutionary-You449

    That looks amazing. You are so thoughtful and kind. Also, you are a great baker!

  16. ChiliDogYumZappupe

    My latest bereavement food hack is to send it in a dish/plate/bowl from the thrift store. No addition to the landfill, looks nice, they don’t have to get it back to you, so can pay it forward.

  17. SkepsisJD

    Man, I use the same recipe and follow the instructions but mine still get way flatter then that. Still taste amazing, not as nice looks as these those!

  18. Flayrah4Life

    Those cookies look so amazing they almost look *fake*. What on earth 😍

  19. choosewisely164

    Those cookies look great, gotta try making them someday

  20. TokaMonster

    So…no incipient tragedies at the moment but I could use one of those containers too.

  21. Antique_Macaron7213

    Can you marry me and make these for me everyday

  22. owleealeckza

    The cookies remind me of a hug for some reason.

  23. CaramelWaft

    These are the best looking cookies i have ever seen omg

  24. TheRootofSomeEvil

    My pet mosquito died today. I can has baked goods?

  25. SpecialMushroom1775

    Looks like they were sent down from above.

  26. OnePotatoTwoPotato91

    I didn’t know cookies could be this.. attractive

  27. niconiconii89

    Damn I wish I were friends with you and that someone close to me died.

  28. Salt-Ready

    Looks delish, I could definitely have used a gift like this when my mom died

  29. Palmetto_ottemlaP

    You know, I’m feeling pretty sad 😔

  30. PolyLifeGirl

    I recently lost temporary use of my pinky when I jammed it. Can I get some bereavement gifts, too? Please? 🤣🤣

  31. Kittymeow123

    Those cookies got me feeling some type of way

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