When I was a kid, my dad always made us a (boxed) cake for us to eat when we got home from our first day of school every year. He's not around anymore and never got to meet my kid. My kid's first day of the preschool year was today, so I made him a little cake to celebrate, keep the tradition alive, and tell him about the grandfather he never met.

This is Salty Caramel Peanut Butter Cake from Yossy Arefi's Snacking Cakes. The cake came together super easily but I had trouble with the texture of the fudgy caramel icing. No matter, just spread some swiss meringue buttercream on top to cover it up 😆 The young sir was pretty stoked about his back to school treat.

by TastesLikeChitwan


  1. AmbassadorSad1157

    Love that your dad was ” there” his first day. Memories and traditions keep them with us. Happy the little guy loved his treat💕

  2. PreferablyNotMe

    What a sweet tradition. This looks absolutely delicious.

  3. PopularPace5205

    That’s really beautiful, this is a lovely tradition.

  4. WolfPrincess_

    This looks delicious!! Great job!! So glad the kiddo loved it 😊

  5. Langstarr

    Looks great! I am curious of the fudgy icing instructions. It’s an usual list of ingredients for it.

    Also I always associate fudgy with chocolate. I get that it’s referring to texture here. Maybe I’m the weird one.

  6. breadboxofbats

    Fantastic looking cake! I had a similar tradition but it was cake for breakfast the first day of summer break

  7. coffee-jnky

    This looks delicious, and what a lovely tradition. My sincere condolences about your dad. I miss my dad all the time but he hand wrote for me my favorite recipes he made us when we were children before he passed. It’s wonderful to think of him and share stories about him with my husband and daughter and I’m glad you’re able to share that with your child.

  8. YogurtHut

    I love that cookbook. Good job on the lovely cake

  9. SpatulaCity123

    What a wonderful tradition! Think the cake looks delicious!

  10. IThinkImAFlower

    I love this tradition, I’m going to remember this for the future!

  11. momcat420

    Looks amazing! What’s the directions on the Caramel?

  12. Historical_Bunch_927

    My mom had a similar tradition but she made us apple crisp. If I have kids I definitely will carry on the tradition. 

  13. Pixilatedhighmukamuk

    Do you have any tips/recipes for your Swiss meringue buttercream topping? And is that crushed peanuts on top?

  14. Effective-Deer-5825

    What a beautiful sentiment. 🥰 The cake looks great! 💞

  15. chichi98986

    This is honestly the sweetest things to grace this subreddit. Your father is always with you. The cake is beautiful as well.🥺❤👍🏾

  16. flowipppp

    No one did this for me, but I might have to start doing it with my kid 🤗! He goes to school next year.

  17. mrobicheaux99

    What a nice tradition 🙂 delectable looking cake too

  18. ShittyMcShitface0

    I never thought anything could make me cry on this sub but here I am

  19. clarabarson

    This looks delicious! Would you mind sharing the whole recipe?

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