I found a rock in my beans. That is why I check before grinding.

by x__mephisto


  1. chills716

    It happens. I single dose my 100kg bags just in case I get a quarry too!

  2. I just use a magnet to check for any rocks before I grind.

  3. DOctorEArl

    So what is the ideal ratio of water to quartz?

  4. Longjumping_Guard_21

    I’m interested in what grinder you have. Is it DeWalt?

  5. 87th_best_dad

    I’ve also started single dosing, I have the dump truck unloaded in the driveway every morning.

  6. Beautiful_Owl_1105

    That red circle is very useful. I was barely able to see that stone.

  7. Man, I had a similar issue to this. I was doing some gardening, bought some pebbles to put down, just casually going about my day, then BAM! Out of nowhere, I came across a coffee bean, just sitting right there with the pebbles. There needs to be more awareness, if this keeps up someone is going to get hurt.

  8. OverwhelmingLackOf

    Omg how did you even spot that?!? I had to zoom in at first.

  9. InterestingNuggett

    You’re lucky you caught that. Could have easily ended in disaster.

  10. Thank you for circling the rock I would have missed it :3!!

  11. I grind my beans with stones. Love it with texture!
    If you want to go extra, find a 2000 grit. And rub as smooth as you can. Until you get a butter squirt feelin.

  12. dee-ouh-gjee

    Damn, I totally would have missed that one myself!

  13. A real amethyst 🤣
    Sell ​​it there and you can buy another bag!

  14. djjsteenhoek

    Mmmm Amethyst.. notes of grape and rock candy, full bodied, slight choking hazard in fact.

  15. I love buying rocks to crack at auction only to be surprised by some bonus espresso beans too.

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