What’s in my beans?

by JonPM


  1. tino-latino

    I heard you like rocks, so we put the Rock in your rocks

  2. Morepork69

    I need glasses…me on my phone. That looks like some kind of mechanical part!!! Oh, it has a head…..

  3. Damn. It only took three posts to descend into shit posting, technically speaking two posts… Made me laugh though.

  4. kennethkiffer

    You need to grind this finer later else it will come out a bit rocky

  5. RabbitCommercial5057

    After three years of, oh no there’s a rock in my beans, I’m honestly glad to see others are over/having fun with it too.

  6. HikingBikingViking

    I can’t quite smell what it’s cooking.

  7. masala-kiwi

    I feel bad for how unevenly those beans are roasted.

    The meme did a great job of roasting, however. 🔥

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